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It seems the entire Libertarian - o - sphere is alive with comments about the troops and how necessary they were to the capture of Bin Laden. Included in these columns are comments about how relevant the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were to the capture of Osama Bin Laden.
Aren't we Libertarians allowed to think about more than one issue at a time?
Yes, I love peace, and I am in general an anti-interventionalist. But I also know human nature, more specifically the human nature of the Bully. Backing down *encourages* them. They don't think of you backing down as a fight that they don't have to have. They think of it as 'what else can I get away with in addition to getting to fight'.
That is what Afghanistan was. They gave Bin Laden a safe harbor. No 'police action' was going to help. Even in pakistan, without being engaged in the area in my opinion we would not have tracked down Bin Laden. Worse, if they knew that we knew that he was there, they may have prevented us from capturing him or killing him. So we attacked, and then set up a new government, which with great cajoling helped us to apply pressure on both Taliban, and the Al-Qaida network. We also did some nation building, which I'm totally against. Was Bin Laden worth 10 years? I'm on two minds. Yes, in that we needed to make a statement. But no in that the Taliban being ousted from power should be enough of a statement. Later on, the Taliban would have probably reconstituted, but that wouldn't be the US's problem. If we leave now, they will probably reconstitute. So not having our troops and our money in harms way, in addition to removing an irritant might have been a good thing. As a Libertarian, I would lean that way no problem.
Iraq is a little different. Saddam Hussein was a mad man with alot of resources. We already had a no-fly zone, and we had to make a decision about leaving. Saddam played as if he had a WMD program, on top of which during Gulf War I the paperwork showing him getting rid of all of his chemicals was not complete. He supported in small ways some terrorists, including some Al Qaida. We didn't want him shipping advanced technology to terrorist cells. So we came up with the ultimatum that he fully disarm of all WMD. He refused. Yes, technically there were inspectors, but he never let them do their job. So we finished the job. Notice that I didn't say OBL once, although there is that very small connection between giving material help to terrorists, and Al-Qaida being terrorist. Post 'invasion', however, Iraq became one of the hotbeds for Al-Qaida. People came from all around the world to attack the Americans. We killed alot of them. We nation built. As a libertarian, I believe we should not have. Invading to finish the job should have been fine. But GW believed that a Democracy was possible. At every step of the way Al-Qaida friendly people attacked. They harmed and killed their own citizens in an attempt to make the population both fear them and hate us. And we killed them.
But none of that had anything to do (except incidentally if there were sources of information) with finding Bin Laden. In fact, you can add the current war in Libya in that category, although this is worse since we don't have a rational side in this war.
So except in Libya (although we keep hitting both sides so maybe we are pulling a Jerry Lewis: somehow accomplishing our goal even though we are incompetent), both wars had their own rational, and they have both accomplished alot. Perhaps not all of the objectives, or perhaps at too much cost, in addition to too much nation building, but objectives very separate from the actual kill or capture of Bin Laden. It was never attack with masses of troops to kill one guy. It was attack with troops to kill and disrupt the terrorists, in addition to looking for Bin Laden and killing or capturing him if we get the chance. Hopefully with one action allowing for the other action.
Conservatives are more correct on this issue in general (but unfortunately negative points for Nation Building).
Democrats are currently correct on this issue, but we all know that this is mostly political posturing. They don't support anything that was done to catch Bin Laden. The one war they are responsible for (Libya) has much less to do with terrorism than any other, and the one place where they might have stemmed terrorism (egypt) they did nothing but encourage the fall.
Libertarians are the righteous pacifists here. Which of course makes them smugly wrong. Being absolutely non-violent never works unless you are surrounded by other people who are willing to do the dirty work for you. The USA used to fill that role, and we were villified for it.
We will be retreating soon due to our financial stupidity, and probably will see very soon people asking for our help in a much friendlier way. We need to let them grow up and stop hating us before we give them help. And then it should only be our citizens that contribute to causes as they see fit. So while pacifism is wrong in general, Libertarians will get their day in court simply because the conservatives overstepped their bounds with foreign policy, and the liberals overstepped their bounds with domestic spending.
Sorry, back to my point. All of these *wars* are not bacause we were trying to catch one man. In fact, GWB said this. If this were true, then we would not have invaded Iraq, and Obama would not have attacked Libya. So adding up all of the deaths (including the enemy deaths and deaths caused by the enemy!) and cash spent over the last 10 years and dividing it it by one goal does not make sense. It is only used by political pacifists.
The Libertarian Party has nexus' with both the republicans and the democrats. This pacifist strain, while not shared by everyone, is a definite philosophical failure. Much like Bible based laws from the Republican's Christian Coalition (abortion being the most obvious offender), and the Democrat's socialist redistribution schemes. But since the Main Stream Media, as well as those currently in power, are largely Democrat, positions that are anti-conservative or anti-GWB will be hyped. So that strong pacifist Libertarian message is getting alot of air time.
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